The Kiwanis Club of Hudson

Club Information

What is Kiwanis?

Kiwanis is a worldwide service organization of men and women who want to improve their communities and serve the children of their communities. As a group they can achieve what one alone cannot.  

How/Where/When Did Kiwanis Begin?

Founded in Detroit, Michigan, on January 21, 1915, Kiwanis started with one club. A year later, the Kiwanis Club of Hamilton, Ontario, was chartered. Worldwide expansion began in 1962, and today Kiwanis clubs are active in every part of the world.

How Many Kiwanis Clubs/Members Are There?

About 8,000 Kiwanis clubs with more than 260,000 members in 96 nations and geographic areas. Hudson Kiwanis has approximately 35-40 members.

What Does the Name "Kiwanis" Mean?

The name "Kiwanis" stems from the Indian phrase which roughly translated means "to express one's self."

Where Are Meetings Held?

Business Meetings are held at 6:30 PM on the third Monday of the month. Most meetings are held at the First Congregational Church of Hudson (3rd floor Game room/conference room area). See the Meetings page for updates on our meetings.

Regular Meetings are held once a month (other than during Summer when they are paused). The location and speaker changes.

When & How Many Meetings Are Held per Month?

We meet twice per month: one business meeting and one regular (dinner) meeting, both which usually starts at 6:30 PM. In the summer, we only meet for business meetings. Attendance is optional... most people attend when they can.

Who Can Join?

Individuals of good standing in the community - invited by Kiwanis. The investment of time and dues is small compared to the tremendous satisfaction that Kiwanis membership provides.

How Can I Join?

You can email, or message us on Facebook to find out how to attend a meeting and get a sponsor!

Mailing Address?

Hudson Kiwanis, PO Box 554, Hudson, Ohio 44236

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